Sludge is unstable, easily corrupted, stench, and may be dangerous pathogenic microorganisms, parasite eggs provides a breeding ground, if any emissions are not addressed, not only pollute the environment, but also a serious waste of resources. 污泥性质不稳定,极易腐化,散发恶臭,并可能为危险的病原微生物、寄生虫卵提供温床,如不加处理任意堆放,不仅对环境造成污染,同时也是对资源的严重浪费。
In this standard, we prescribe the definition, grading of the experimental mini-pig and the monitoring regulation of the pathogenic microorganism and parasite for them. 3. 在本标准中,规定了实验用小型猪的定义、等级划分以及各级实验用小型猪的病原微生物、寄生虫监测规程等。